Removal of
sebaceous cyst, lipoma and Neurofibroma

What are Neurofibroma, sebaceous cyst and lipoma?

Neurofibroma is a nerve tumor that forms soft bumps on the skin or beneath it.

Lipoma is a bunch of fatty tissue that grows under the skin.

Sebaceous cysts are non-cancerous cysts that grow under the skin.

Diagnosis and


Neurofibroma symptoms are usually mild or absent. If an individual has neurofibroma he/she can develop a minor or a major nerve anywhere in the body.

The tumor (neurofibroma) tends to be benign in most cases and rarely becomes malignant.

If the tumor growth presses against the nerves then the individual may experience pain or numbness within that area.

In most cases neurofibroma causes cannot be determined but they occur in individuals aged between 20 to 40 years.

In some people it’s genetic and this condition is called neurofibromatosis type 1.

The diagnosis of the tumor is arrived at by the doctor after a proper physical examination and going through your medical history.

Scans like CT scan or MRI scan are also used to pinpoint the tumor and its location and also the affected areas.

Doctors may also ask for a PET scan to check if the tumor is benign.

Sebaceous cysts mostly occur on the face, neck, or torso. Their growth is slow and they aren’t life-threatening, but they may become uncomfortable if they go untreated.

Doctors usually diagnose a cyst by a simple physical examination and by going through the individual’s medical history.

In some cases, a cyst will be examined more thoroughly to find out if they are malignant or not.

They are caused due to the following reasons:

  • Accident or deformed duct.
  • Damage to the cells during an operative procedure
  • Genetic conditions like Gardner’s syndrome or basal cell nevus syndrome

Sebaceous cysts form out of your sebaceous gland. The sebaceous gland produces oil called sebum that coats your hair and skin.

Cysts can develop if the gland or its duct is damaged or gets blocked.

They are considered malignant if they have the following characteristics:

  • If they possess a diameter that’s larger than five centimeters.
  • If they have a fast rate of recurrence after being removed.
  • If they possess signs of infection, such as redness, pain, or pus drainage.

They are usually found in the following areas of the body:

  • Scalp
  • Face
  • Neck
  • Back

They are filled with white flakes of keratin and are soft to touch.

Lipomas are non-malignant soft tissue tumors. Their growth is slow and does not cause any pain. Most lipomas don’t need treatment.

They appear anywhere on the body, but most commonly found on the back, trunk (torso), arms, shoulders and neck.

They mostly appear between the ages 40 and 60, but they can develop at any age and affect any gender, but women are mostly prone to getting them.

What are the Causes of

lipoma ?

  • Dercum’s disease
  • Gardner syndrome
  • Hereditary multiple lipomatosis
  • Madelung’s disease

Doctors usually diagnose Lipomas by a simple physical examination and by going through the individual’s medical history.

Biopsy is needed in some cases to confirm if they are non-malignant or not.

CT scan and MRI scans are also suggested sometimes to pinpoint their exact location.

What are the different types of


  • Angiolipoma: They usually contain fat and blood vessels and are often painful.
  • Conventional: Most common form of lipoma that contain white fat cells.
  • Fibrolipoma: They contain fat and fibrous tissue.
  • Hibernoma: They contain brown fat, other lipomas contain white fat. Brown fat cells generate heat and help regulate body temperature.
  • Myelolipoma: They contain fat and tissues that produce blood cells.
  • Spindle cell: In this type the fat cells are longer than they are wide.
  • Pleomorphic: They have fat cells of various sizes and shapes.

How are the following soft tissues treated and

how long does it take to recover?

Surgical removal is one of the most tried and tested avenues available for treating the following soft tissues.

Neurofibroma is treated by removing the whole tumor or a part of it that’s pressing on nearby tissue or damaging organs. What type of operation is performed depends on the location and size of your tumor and whether it’s intertwined with more than one nerve. The objective of the surgery is to remove as much of the tumor as possible without causing further nerve damage. It is carried out under the influence of local or general anesthesia.

Post-surgery, the patient may need physical rehabilitation. Physical therapists and occupational therapists can guide him/her through specific exercises that keep the muscles and joints active, prevent stiffness, and help restore the function and feeling.

The doctors may use one of the following methods for the removal of

sebaceous cyst

  • Conventional wide excision, which completely removes the cyst but the procedure leaves a long scar.
  • Minimal excision, in this procedure there is minimal scarring but it carries a risk that the cyst might return.
  • Laser with punch biopsy excision, this technique uses a laser to make a small hole to drain the cyst of its contents (the outer walls of the cyst are removed after a month).
  • After the cyst is removed, doctors may give you an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection. They should be used until the healing process is complete. Patients may also be given a scar cream to reduce the appearance of any surgical scars.

Most of the time lipomas don’t need any treatment. If a lipoma is bothering you, then you can get it removed surgically. 

Lipoma surgery is one of the options; the surgery is performed under the influence of local or general anesthesia. The patient can go home the same day. Liposuction is also another option that is considered to treat lipoma.

The surgeon uses a long, thin needle to remove fatty tissue from the growth.

Simple dressing is done to the area after the procedure and scar removal creams are prescribed.

The recovery time is about a month. The scars gradually heal and go away within 6 months to a year of the procedure.

How long is the road to


Post the procedure the doctor might ask the patient to stay in the hospital for a few hours in order to monitor the vitals of the patient; after that he might prescribe the patient with some pain killers and other medicines for recovery.

Post which the doctor will schedule a regular checkup in order to monitor the process of recovery, which would take 3-4 weeks depending upon the age and other conditions of the patient.

Post the surgery the patient has to wear a dressing for about 2 weeks; Split thickness skin grafts heal quickly compared to full thickness skin grafts.

During the recovery period it is good to avoid physical activity and avoid strenuous work.

The patients can rest assured that under the able supervision of Dr. Kiran they need not worry about the recovery and simple follow the instructions given by him as they are under safe hands and will make a quick recovery.

How to nurse the


During the recovery period it is better to avoid the dressing from getting wet.

Keep the dressing clean by preventing dirt and sweat.

Is the procedure


The procedure is absolutely safe and is done under strict medical supervision and with utmost care. There are minimal to no side effects when it comes to the procedure.

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